Talent Management

Talent Management is defined as “the strategic approach for attracting, identifying, developing, engaging, retaining and deploying individuals who are considered particularly valuable to an organisation” (CIPD).

This covers a wide range of activities and at CL HR Consultancy, we offer the following services to support your talent management activities:

  • Organisational Design & Strategy
  • Success Planning
  • Employee Development & Engagement
  • Induction and Onboarding
  • Recruitment
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Organisational Design & Strategy

CL HR Consultancy can work with you to develop a robust Talent Management strategy for your business identifying the skills, experience and behavioural drivers required for future business success.

Success Planning

Succession Planning is the process of identifying and acquiring the skills needed by a Company to ensure it’s future success.  This involves identifying gaps and developing both internal and external talent. We can help you to future proof your business and HR operating model.

Employee Development & Engagement

CL HR Consultancy can help you with designing and implementing employee development & engagement programmes to attract and retain employees & increase productivity and job satisfaction.

Talent Management CL HR Cork Ireland

Induction and Onboarding

CL HR Consultancy can assist with improving or developing your induction and onboarding processes to improve employee engagement, productivity, retention and employer brand.


Finding the right person for the job is key to driving business success. We will work with you to ensure you hire the right person externally or carry out a fair internal hiring process, from designing the job description, to participating in the interview process and to selecting the right candidate.