Our Story

CL HR Consultancy’s journey started in 2018. Following her ambition and dreams, Claire Lehane took the plunge and set up her consultancy business out of West Cork. Today, CL HR provides tailored human resource services & solutions for businesses.  
Through their in-depth knowledge and experience, CL HR Consultancy takes an extensive approach to develop and deliver tailored HR strategies and solutions that support businesses and their employees. 

Employees are the greatest asset in any business but can also be one of the greatest challenges, often resulting in poor productivity, poor morale and expensive legal proceedings. CL HR Consultancy can help business owners and managers to avoid or manage these situations and improve working relations.

Regardless of the number of employees, CL HR Consultancy is passionate and dedicated to help business owners & management meet their HR legal responsibilities and to create and sustain engaging, productive workplaces that drive business success, and enable employees to achieve their potential.

Cork Chamber of Commerce

Giving Back

“ No One Has Ever Become Poor By Giving” Anne Frank, CL HR Consultancy, are delighted to provide HR Support and guidance to Cork ARC Support House.

CL HR Consultancy Cork Arc Cancer Support House